Celebrate the seventh anniversary of Warframe with free equipment and other tools
Mar. 9, 2020

Digital Extremes announces the seventh anniversary of Warframe

For this, they turn to the community. Players can now submit their original Warframe theme here. According to the selection of the community design committee, the 10 main themes are reduced to one by independent artist Warframe Eorheit to produce the winning theme. The artist TennoGen Faven will design a special old town and ask players to present "capacity" designs. The winner of the thematic category and fan artist Eornheit will be sent to the Digital Extremes studio in London, Ontario, to attend TennoCon 2020 and see how his creations come true.
According to the press release, you can also show your free Dex Raksaka armor to your friends, clan members and others. Every weekend in March, players receive notifications of the game for me and receive original rewards from Dex and new glyphs, including weapons and weapon slots, glyphs, syandanas, previous Dex masks. nodules and more before the end of the month! Dex Raksaka armor includes Dex Raksaka shoulder pads, shoulder pads and knee pads.